Godaddy Email Marketing: Is it the best you can get?

Godaddy is a household name on the internet when it comes to checking and buying a domain name for your website or blog. In recent years, Godadaddy Email Marketing and Website builder have been added to the mix as the brand continues to grow and expand.

As a digital marketer who runs high-end, goal-oriented, budgeted email marketing campaigns, Godaddy Email Marketing may seem like an excellent option at first instinct. However, when you compare and see the features offered by Godaddy’s email marketing alternatives, you may want to rethink. 

No disrespect! Godaddy Email Marketing is an excellent service but as an email marketer, maximizing your budget for the highest Return on Investment (ROI) is top of your priority. 

Don’t worry, I have done all the heavy lifting for you. If we are thinking alike, come along while I show you what you may have been missing. 

If you are a beginner email marketer, a startup, or a new business owner, looking to find a fantastic, budget-friendly email marketing service, look no further! You’re in the right place. 

Before I proceed, let us clarify a few things

What is Email Marketing?

Email marketing is a way to connect with customers through a personal channel by sending them commercial messages.

Email marketing has been shown to be one of the most effective digital channels for customer acquisition and retention. It allows you to directly communicate with your audience, which builds trust and loyalty over time. Email marketing also allows you to target specific customers with relevant content, increasing the chances that they will make a purchase or return as a customer. Especially if they have previously signed up for your newsletter, email marketing helps to keep your business in the minds of potential customers, who may eventually become buying customers.

Why is Email Marketing Important?

Email marketing is one of the most effective and affordable ways to reach out to customers and promote your business. It allows you to connect with customers on a personal level, build relationships, and create brand loyalty. Email marketing is also an effective way to keep customers informed about new products, services, and promotions. Email marketing is important because it helps you to reach customers quickly and easily, build relationships with them, and increase ROI. 

Email marketing also allows you to target specific groups of people, allowing you to customize your message to meet their needs. Email campaigns can be segmented based on demographics such as age, gender, location, or interests. This helps you to create highly tailored and relevant campaigns that are likely to generate more leads and sales.

Finally, Email marketing is important because it offers a great ROI. Email campaigns are inexpensive to create and send, yet they can significantly impact your bottom line. Email marketing is also easy to track, allowing you to measure the results of your efforts and make adjustments as needed.

Email marketing has many advantages, making it an essential part of any digital marketing strategy. It is an effective way to promote your business, attract new customers, and keep existing customers informed about what’s happening.

1. Mailchimp Email Marketing 

Godaddy Email Marketing Alternatives

Mailchimp is a pioneer email marketing service. It has been around for more than 2 decades.  

Mailchimp Email Marketing is a tool that enables businesses to create and send newsletters, announcements, and other email campaigns. Mailchimp offers a wide range of features, including templates, design tools, list management, reporting, and integrations with other applications. Mailchimp is an essential tool for any business that wants to stay in touch with its customers and grow its reach. With Mailchimp, you can create beautiful email campaigns that get results.

Mailchimp’s free package offers free email for up to 500 contacts, with 2,500 sends per month and a daily limit of 500 emails. This is incredibly fantastic, especially for startups that are just getting their feet wet in the email marketing space. 

Secondly, Mailchimp understands the importance of staying in touch with your customers through your email campaigns. The service updates your billing on a pay-as-you-go purchase within the tier of your pricing plan. 

The other key features that make Mailchimp better and set it a mile apart from Godaddy Email Marketing are

For Starters, you will enjoy 

  • Email Support – 30-day free email support service and send 2500 emails free monthly for 1 user
  • 250+ email integrations – Connect your favorite apps and web services to save time and do more with your marketing.
  • Creative Assistant – Enjoy beautiful, on-brand designs made for you with the power of artificial intelligence.
  • Signup forms and Marketing CRM – Keep in touch with your audience/customers from one intuitive CRM interface built into Mailchimp. 
  • Email Segmentation that makes retargeting easy and seamless 

For the big players who want more than the free packages can offer, Mailchimp offers the following 

  • Advanced Segmentation Features 
  • 24/7 Email and Chat Support for Standard and Essentials Packages while the Premium package provides phone and priority support 
  • Email Scheduling and Custom-Coded Template 
  • Time-saving email automation 

Compared to Godaddy Email Marketing, Mailchimp Email Marketing is an absolute steal for the price 

2. Benchmark Email Marketing 

Benchmark Email Marketing

Is writing new content becoming a difficult task? Let Benchmark Email Marketing Tools help you end writer’s block and create fresh content! With Benchmark’s Smart Content, you can ditch the old idea of what must happen in an email. You won’t have to waste time or creativity on getting started when you’ve got powerful AI tools that will do all of it for you. Benchmark turns you into an Email automation Pro by helping you send out a series of emails triggered by website engagement. With no coding required, create branded landing pages easily with Benchmark’s drag-and-drop email builder. 

Compared to Godaddy Email Marketing, Benchmark Email marketing helps you enjoy more for less. Benchmark offers a free plan where you can send up to 3500 emails to 500 contacts (or less). You should check it out. 

The other key features that make Benchmark better and set it a mile apart from Godaddy Email Marketing are

  • Smart Content – Engineered to write perfect emails, Smart Content uses AI and human expertise to fuel your email campaigns with fresh content.
  • Awesome Landing Page Templates – Benchmark’s basic template layouts are designed to help you get your message across in a clear, professional way.
  • Email Automation – Pick a trigger. It could be an abandoned cart, a new newsletter subscription, a new purchase, etc. Benchmark Email Automation will help you keep your customers/audience informed about your business. 
  • Featured Products in Emails – With Benchmark’s eCommerce tools, you can create instant demand for your products by adding them to email templates and segmenting lists. It’s easy with marketing automation!
  • Other Features include AB Testing, Inbox Checker, and Reporting features that help you create better campaigns by understanding how subscribers interact with your emails.
  • Lastly, enjoy more than 1500 integrations that include Paypal, Zendesk, Zoho, Zapier, Facebook, Tumblr, etc to help you simplify your workflow and make work more enjoyable.

I absolutely recommend Benchmark Email Marketing over Godaddy Email Marketing. 

3. SendlinBlue Email Marketing 

Sendinblue Email Marketing

SendinBlue is my third pick on this list. Whether you’re a small business owner with limited marketing resources or an entrepreneur looking to grow your customer base, SendinBlue has the right tools for success. With robust features and functionality that cover every aspect of growing a company from A-Z — including relationship management systems like CRM (Customer Relationship Management) platforms which help connect with clients on both social media channels; lead nurturing emails designed specifically towards converting prospects into paying customers by reminding them about what made their last purchase such good value. 

Why is SendinBlue worth mentioning? Why do I think you should choose it over Godaddy Email Marketing? 

The free plan! Yes! The free plan allows you to send 300 emails per day and you can enjoy features such as 

  • 300 emails/day
  • Customizable Email Templates
  • Drag & Drop Editor
  • Transactional Emails
  • SMS & WhatsApp Campaigns

Because of this friendly pricing and features, I absolutely recommend SendinBlue Email Marketing over Godaddy Email Marketing

4. Mailerlite Email Marketing

Mailerlite Email Marketing

Maillerlite Email Marketing is authentic proof that you can run email marketing campaigns and automation without breaking the bank. Imagine what you can do with 12000 free emails in a month. Mailer helps you automate your workflow, and sell digital products directly from your website. Mailerlite’s integration with Stripe allows you to receive more than 135 currencies. Technically, your digital downloads can sell themselves and make you a ton of money even with Mailerlite’s free package. For these reasons, I think Godaddy Email Marketing is not even a match for Mailerlite.

Honestly, I think Mailerlite will help even already-established businesses due to its friendly pricing. I definitely recommend it over Godaddy Email Marketing. Features you will enjoy in Mailerlite’s free package include

  • 12000 emails per month to 1000 contacts (or less)
  • 24/7 support 
  • Drag & drop editor
  • Email automation builder
  • Websites
  • 10 landing pages
  • Signup forms & pop-ups

Even when you eventually need more than 12000 emails monthly or your contacts exceed 1000, other paid pricing plans are also very cheap and affordable. I absolutely recommend it. 

5. Sendpulse Email Marketing

Sendpulse Email Marketing

Sendplus Email Marketing is another underdog in the Email Marketing space. It arguably has one of the cheapest pricing in the industry and the free plan is just awesome. Sendplus offers some features that big names like Godaddy Email Marketing do not offer. These include Viber Campaigns, Web push notifications, Bulk SMS service, Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Online Course Creator, and 360 automation. At the price Sendplus is offered, nothing beats it! Sendplus free plan offers a whooping 15000 emails monthly to 500 contacts (or less). It also offers a Pay-as-you-go pricing plan that gives you the flexibility to use your email the way you want. 

I definitely recommend it above Godaddy Email Marketing and I think it is worth your consideration. The list of features that makes Sendpus outstanding include 

Bulk SMS Service – You can send SMS Campaigns to 1,000+ Mobile Network Operators in More than 200 Countries

Online Course Creation – Sendplus allows you to share your experience, create original training programs, and sell your courses from one platform without additional charges. This takes away your need to subscribe to an Online course platform.

Viber Campaigns – This is cheaper than SMS services and just as effective. Not many email marketing tools offer this feature, including Godaddy.

Final thought 

I have created this listicle to help you figure out email marketing tools and services on the internet that are budget-friendly and help boost your business in no little way. 

Although Godaddy is one of the popular domain name providers on the internet, I do not think that its email marketing service offers enough perks for startups and business owners on a budget. Without adequate research, it is very easy to go with Godaddy’s Email Marketing service just because it is a popular brand. This is not to mean that the service is not good. It is good but I prefer the email marketing tools mentioned above for new business owners. 

I encourage you to check out these services and make a choice for yourself. The (top) five services mentioned in this blog post, that I think are better than Godaddy Email marketing service  include 

  • Mailchimp Email Marketing – Overall best 
  • Benchmark Email Marketing 
  • SendinBlue Email Marketing 
  • Mailerlite Email Marketing 
  • Sendplus Email Marketing

Do you think there are other Email Marketing tools and services that should be included in this list? 

Have you used any tool better than the ones mentioned above and do you think is more appropriate for Startups and business owners on a budget? 

Share your opinions in the comment section. I personally read every comment and respond to them. 

For further reading, you should check out 

I wish you the very best in your business endeavors.

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